Tuesday, April 7, 2015

To Guide or Not to Guide?

The chaos has begun and one could safely say; We have no idea what we are doing. That's right. The future guides who will be teaching the ways of the American world and educating international visitors on this lands culture, history and lifestyle have absolutely NO idea what we are doing. Yet want to know what's great? We are passionate to learn.

On only the completion now of Day Two, I can safely say that through the exhausting schedule and constant information bombardment, the fire to learn is only fueled more. The group of recruited guides has a plethora of experiences, strengths, backgrounds and inspirations. Ranging from an backpacking German who hasn't established "home" in 10-years to a young girl from Boston who has never backpacked before in her life; These future American Guides have the commonality of a thirst for adventure.

I had hesitations and fears when agreeing to being an Adventure Tour Guide. The thought of being solely responsible for a group of international citizens is still a daunting task. Additionally, the knowledge required to be a memorable is successful guide has required more homework and research than (frankly) most my college courses.

Joy comes from the realization that regardless of the fear of a new challenge and unknown tasks that may arise, the rewards are far greater. When envisioning cooking breakfast over a campfire within the valley of Yosemite as my sleepy eyed group stumbles out of tents or explaining the definition of a "two-step" while chowing down at a loud country BBQ in Texas - there is going to be no greater job in the world.

So far, the longest time I've had to myself has been the 5min walk from our training base camp to the conference center to learn logistic materials. Therefore, blogging and keeping updated will be a task. However, it is my goal to document the thoughts, fears, confrontations, joys, challenges, rewards and joy I experience as a first year guide with PEAK Adventures. Not only to serve as a resource and personal success (or possibly failure) story for others interested in entering into the same career path, but also for myself as a personal escape and recant of my day and adventures.

On that note, exciting news of the day: I've received my first clothing sponsorship! Bombsheller is a "bomb" legging company based out of Seattle that my sister and climbing friends told me about. Needless to say, these tights are dope and I was able to sweet talk my way into swag.

Check out the sight if you want some outlandishly awesome tights for yoga, climbing, chilling or whatever. Us my code to get a discount even (#jackpot)

Discount code: TrekkingWithBrooke


Enjoy shopping and I'll check in at the end of the week! Fun hint; We have a group activity to check out a vendor this Saturday in San Francisco!!

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